
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Grouping Pinks for Soft Valentine Romance in the Home

There are so many ways to add a natural splash of pink into the home to bring in a little romance for Valentine's Day or any day.

Today I am using some items that I have already made to add a romantic yet natural feel to the home.

Hand-milled pink rose soaps snuggled up with a jar of my rose-chamomile bath bags wrapped in pink and white cotton cloths and tied with pink yarn, along with a small Victorian button-heart An old-fashioned crocheted doily displays the items. 

Grouping various items can feature color, textures or other aspects. My grouping was for a soft romantic pink. 

Think about the pink items you may have (or any other color that you prefer!) and ways that you can experiment on grouping them together. I know you will come up with something amazing to group together to add a bit of pink romance to your home.

Invoke the Sea

Almost every January like clockwork, my thoughts turn to the beach, to warm weather and to the sea.
Today as the snow came down, I decided to invoke a little of the sea.

Taking an empty basket, I added seashells arranged just so, paper flowers, a few strands of faux pearls and a bit of lace. Such a transformation! It turned out to be a beautiful arrangement.

You can easily invoke the sea with a basket of your own filled with treasures from vacations past, sea souvenirs, heirlooms or any other crafty pieces. We are still in winter here so I kept my color scheme white with a hint of the dried, the memory-tinged and a look of days by-gone with a touch of peach and pale rusty yellow.'

The sea basket is now gracing the bathroom so that it can be nearest the water.
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