After a week of the most challenging and yet THE most satisfying work. I finished restoring an antique quilt that I found that was basically almost trash. The back was ripped to shreds as was the batting and many patches on the front. I had found it about a year ago, put it away and I remembered it last week and thought I could cut up what was left for other projects. But when I got to looking at it, I could not bear to cut it, I thought no, I have to fix this, I have to restore this. I am told the original design is called a bow-tie.
I have quilted before but only lap/crib size, never anything full. I didn't even know if I could do it so I didn't think to take a "before" photo. I have no floor space and no frame. But there is more than one way to quilt a quilt if you are determined, and I was. I got two fabric boards and taped them together and laid them on top of the bed. It was rough, I screwed up the the first baking and had to go get another. It was back-killing work but a step at a time, I got it done.

As I was working I noticed something amazing, this quilt held a special message for me, a confirmation of my life even. Many of the blocks are similar but there was one block of guitars (Bill, musician) There was next to it, one block of pens and pencils (Cheryl, writer). There were also horses (my heritage) and a pumpkin coach (which only those who really know me will know what a pumpkin head I am and that I also have a children's story, The Pumpkin King). (see photos) It was very magical. I could not help but think how this woman all these years ago did this and I wound up with it! And I am no expert but based on the fabric, I would guess the 50s. though I don't know her, it conveys her story, and now I have added my own story to it.

I started out to do it on the machine but the (new) machine (which is supposed to quilt) kept messing up, but I knew it was because it needed done by hand. And though there is some machine-stitching on it, the back is done by hand. I could imagine the great-grandmothers screaming "Noooooooo . . . stop her!" Hahaha. I added new patches over the ripped ones, new ties, new batting and a new back.

Anyway, it is amazing and so soft and comfy; feels old but new and I just love it. My blood sweat and tears are in it. Last night trying to finish, I wiped sweat off my brow, within thirty seconds pricked my finger which left a pin-head size blood spot on the white, and I started crying I was so frustrated. But it's done and I feel so honored to have been able to save it, to give new life to something that someone worked so hard on and to add my own chapter which will hopefully carry it on down the road a few more generations. Then, when it is back out for the trash, a descendant or some other woman will come along and once again revive it with her own pieces of life.